Small Grants for Smaller Organisations 2025 - Space2Grow #38
Key Information:
Application open date: Monday 3rd March 2025
Closing Date: 23:59, Sunday 30th March 2025
Panel Meeting: week commencing 12th May 2025
Applicants Informed: by week commencing 19th May 2025
Amount Available: £50,000
Total Amount any one award: £6,000
Young Barnet Foundation are pleased to be able to bring to members a fourth year of Home School Community Funding from John Lyon's Charity, named as Small Grants for Smaller Organisations.
John Lyon's Charity has committed to supporting small organisations to aid the recovery from the effect of Covid lockdowns and this grant is to support either continuation, upscaling or piloting of projects. It is hoped that this funding doesn't just deliver a useful project or support to the Children and Young people across Barnet but also that the success and data collected from this project can be used to evidence the need to allow our members to apply for other funding such as the Space2Grow Main Grant, along with other regional and national funders such as the National Lottery or Children in Need.
What will get funded:
Young Barnet Foundation and the independent panel are looking for applications from YBF members that will address at least one of the following areas;
We are specifically seeking applications for projects/activities for children, young people and/or families that:
Undertake Early Intervention and Prevention
Promote Physical Activity
Encourage Young People to enjoy Outdoor Space and Activities
Addresses the Resilience of Children and Young People, Young Volunteers and Organisational Development
Adress Employability & Life Skills
Applications must also demonstrate at least one of the following elements:
Meeting emerging need (including those which have emerged or escalated because of the pandemic)
Piloting a new initiative (with aim of using data to seek further funding)
Upscaling of an existing project with proven track record
Develop the Charity and/or Trustees.
Applications do not need to try to tackle all of the issues listed above. The panel will be looking for applications that clearly explain the project delivery and identifies one major area and element to address.
Feedback from the panel at previous rounds of this funding were that a number of applications either did not clearly explain the project or tried to be too complicated for the size of grant applied for.
What has changed from previous rounds of funding
From the previous years fund, two major changes:
Organisations must have a minimum of three unrelated trustees or officers listed on either the Charity Commission register or on Companies House
An increase in the maximum amount that can be bid for to £6,000 (in recognition of continued Cost of Living pressures on Members
​However applicants should read the criteria document in full.
Who can apply?
Young Barnet Foundation members, who have completed the 2025 member renewal can apply, subject to conditions as set out in the criteria document. Members MUST have completed their 2025 renewal before applying.
There are 3 main exclusions:
You are currently in receipt of an Open / Main grant from John Lyon's Charity
You received funding via Space2Grow#33 and are applying for the same project
You have a turnover exceeding £175,000
Please ensure you have read the criteria document before applying - especially the Aim of the Fund section​.
How do we apply?
All applications must be via the online application, using the link found below. Please note that there is no Save function in the online form. We therefore suggest that you use the pdf version of the application provided below to draft your answers first, before copying and pasting these across to the form for submission.
We cannot stress enough how you should read the criteria first
Should you be working in partnership with any other organisation then they are expected to complete the online partnership form.
What help can I get?
The applications are judged by an independent panel, meaning Young Barnet Foundation staff can assist you with your application.
Your Member Development Officer is available to assist you with bid support prior to your submission. We advise you to contact them early for online or in person sessions with the team.
Accessibility Needs
If you need assistance to access any of the information that we produce, please contact the YBF team. If you need any documents in an alternative format, please let us know. As a small charity we cannot automatically provide translations, large print, braile etc. but we are committed to supporting member organisations and their staff by being as inclusive as we can be. We are always seeking and looking at ways to be better. If you think we could improve your application experience then please do reach out.
Successful Applicants
Following the panel meeting the successful applicants will be notified and a list will be provided here.
Key Documents:
Working in Partnership?
All groups named as partners in a bid must have completed a Partnership Working Details Form. Partner Organisations need not be a formal partner (i.e no legal partnership needs to be in place), but where you are working with another organisation (a school, another community group etc.) we want to know that you have consulted with them, and they agree to be considered as part of this application.
Applications that name partners but are not accompanied by a completed form may not be considered by the panel.
Each partner organisation must complete a form.
If you are a partner organisation of the lead applicant you will need to complete the Partnership working form here.
To apply for this grant, complete the application form below:

Space2Grow, Space2Grow Childrens and Young People's Fund and John Lyon's Charity Logo are branding of Young Barnet Foundation and relate to the small grant funding rounds distributed by Young Barnet Foundation on behalf of the charity and our partners.