Total Number of awards
Total amount allocated
Space2Grow #19 - Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Fund, Winter 2021
BACE Holidays is a project delivered in partnership with Barnet Council and funded by the Department for Education to offer children and young people who currently receive free school meals access to enriching activities and a healthy lunch over the holidays.
Space 2 Grow#19 is the third instalment of holiday activity grants to distribute central government funding to Young Barnet Foundation members delivering engaging activities and healthy meals during the Winter 2021 school holiday period.
As a result of this programme children who attend these events will:
Eat more healthily over the school holidays
Be more active during the school holidays
Take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment
Be safe and not to be socially isolated
Have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
Be more engaged with school and other local services
We also want to ensure that the families who participate in this programme:
Develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting
Are signposted towards other information and support e.g. health
Employment and education
BACE Holidays website: https://barnetyouth.uk/BACEHolidays
HAF2021 website: https://haf2021.org/
A total of £22,106 was distributed to nine Young Barnet Foundation members for this round:
Barnet Community Projects - £950
Brent Ballers Basketball Club - £1,510
Cricklewood Boxing Club - £2,2800
Nene Tereza - £1,900
Living Way Ministries - £3,344
Pro Touch SA CIC - £1,520
Resources for Autism - £874
Somali Bravanese Welfare Association in Barnet - £3,040
The Axis Educational Trust - £3,648
The Hope of Childs Hill (THOCH) - £3,040
A range of information and resources has been developed to support providers in the delivery of their schemes, in particular around Healthy Eating and Nutritional Education. You can find these documents and links below.
BACE Holidays Guide for Providers
HAF Recipe Books
8 Tips for Healthy Eating
10-Minute Shake Up Games
Activity Evaluation
Nutrients Presentation
Healthy Eating Ideas for Providers
Free STEM teaching resources
COVID19 Guidance for HAF Providers
Healthy Eating Workshop Presentation
Healthy Eating Ideas for Caregivers
No Barriers Session Plan
COVID19 Guidance for Parents / Carers
Healthy Eating Workshop Session Plan
Wellbeing Activity Book
Foundation Stones Session Plan
Relationships & Behaviour Workshop
Space2Grow#19 -
Space2Grow #19 is funded by the Department of Education Holiday Activity fund and delivered in partnership with London Borough of Barnet.
Space2Grow, Space2Grow Childrens and Young People's Fund and Logo are branding of Young Barnet Foundation and relate to the small grant funding rounds distributed by Young Barnet Foundation on behalf of the charity and our partners.