Fill the Skills Gap at Your Organisation
We are excited to report that Middlesex University Community have teamed up with Young Barnet Foundation and CommUNITY Barnet to offer you the opportunity to have a paid for student placement to help your organisation.
Skills Gaps present a long-standing concern for small local charities and community organisations. The Community Placement Scheme offers the opportunity for you to gain help for anything from marketing materials, social media, fundraising, or perhaps a chance to start a short-term project.
Download the Community Placement Pack here
The scheme asks each organisation to identify a project/work stream and write a job specification for that role, see Community Placement pack link above. These will be advertised to students and students will apply. So, it is important that you give this some thought so you have clear objectives - what does your organisation need? What skills could a Uni student bring to your organisation? Is there a short-term project you need to get started? A piece of research you need to help your organisation? The scheme is funded so it allows students to get some on the job experience and get also get paid at no expense to the sector. A real WIN WIN!
If you want to bounce around some ideas first - give us a call at YBF and we will be happy to have an initial conversation with you or schedule in some time.
Or if you want more support - Jeni Osbourne from CommUNITY Barnet will be holding a one-to-one surgery on the Thursday 24th August 2017, please contact CB directly.
Venue: Community Barnet, 1st Floor Barnet House, 1255 High Road, Whetstone, London N20 0EJ
Phone: 02083648400 Email: Email: