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This page is updated with the latest information, guidance and resources for Young Barnet Foundation members delivering BACE Holidays projects as part of the national Holiday Activities with Food (HAF) programme.

Holiday Activities with Food Programme (HAF) Member Information and Resources

BACE Holidays is a project delivered in partnership with Barnet Council and funded by the Department for Education HAF (Holiday Activity & Food) programme to offer children and young people who currently receive free school meals access to enriching activities and a healthy lunch over the holidays.














As a result of this programme children who attend these events will:

  • Eat more healthily over the school holidays

  • Be more active during the school holidays

  • Take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment

  • Be safe and not to be socially isolated

  • Have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition

  • Be more engaged with school and other local services


We also want to ensure that the families who participate in this programme: 

  • Develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting

  • Are signposted towards other information and support e.g. health

  • Employment and education



BACE Holidays website

Department for Education Holiday & Activities Food Programme


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What is BACE/HAF

Private Providers

If you are a private limited company or not a Young Barnet Foundation member then you can become a BACE provider directly via the council.   Read more information and link to apply HERE


A full list of activities, both council sites and YBF members, will be provided soon. Parents looking to book places should visit

Previous BACE

Previous BACE Activities by Young Barnet Foundation Members

BACE Holidays  through Young Barnet Foundation members are delivered and funded through the BACE Grant - HAF in Barnet. A total of 10,736 daily places were used by children and young people across Barnet for the 4 HAF periods to date. To read the monitoring reports and to see which member organisations received funding to deliver across Barnet visit our BACE Grant (previously Space2Grow) pages for Easter ,Summer, Winter 2021 and Easter 2022  

Training Opportunities


LBB Learning Pool

The LBB Learning Pool has a number of free multi-agency training courses and opportunities available for members to access. 

You will need to be registered with the Barnet Learning Pool in order to book many of these courses. For instructions on how to create an account, click here. For a guide to booking courses through the Learning Pool website, click here.


Resources for Providers


A range of information and resources has been developed to support providers in the delivery of their schemes, in particular around Healthy Eating and Nutritional Education. You can find these documents and links below. 

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BACE Holidays Guide for Providers
Activity Evaluation
Safeguarding Guidance for HAF Providers
Safeguarding Guidance for Parents / Carers
HAF Recipe Books 
8 Tips for Healthy Eating
 Nutrients Presentation
Healthy Eating Ideas for Providers
Healthy Eating Workshop Presentation
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Healthy Eating Ideas for Caregivers
Healthy Eating Workshop Session Plan
Wellbeing Activity Book
10-Minute Shake Up Games
Relationships & Behaviour Workshop
Free STEM teaching resources
BACE Nutrition, 5-11 year olds 
No Barriers Session Plan
Lesson plan for older children
Foundation Stones Session Plan
Food Allergen Safety Advice
What Works Well
Recipe Hub
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BACE Holidays is funded by the Department for Education's Holiday Activity with Food Programme and delivered in partnership by the London Borough of Barnet and Young Barnet Foundation. 

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