Young Barnet Foundation runs three grants programmes, firstly the Space2Grow Children and Young People's Fund, the second is BACE Grant and on behalf of Barnet Together the Barnet Community Fund
Young Barnet Foundation has been running the Space2Grow Children and Young People's Fund since 2017, offering grants to YBF members to delivery services, activities and opportunities to children and young people across Barnet
BACE Grant - HAF in Barnet
The Bace Grant, is the HAF funding for the VCFSE in Barnet to deliver Holiday Activity with hot food to those young people eligible for Free School Meals. Previously funded via Space2Grow grants, BACE Grant - HAF in Barnet now sits as a stand alone funding channel.
Barnet Community Fund
The Barnet Community Fund is a relaunch for the Barnet Community Response Fund, a fund that provided funding across the Community during Covid lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. The Barnet Community Fund is a local grants pot that will support the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector across Barnet to recover from the effect of Covid. Young Barnet Foundation administers the fund on behalf of the Barnet Together partnership.
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